That’s right I’m not perishable… Duh I’m hot stuff! English is not my my husband’s first language so I have learned to accept his compliments as exactly that: compliments. That is what we grownups call: assuming positive intent. The guy means well, he works hard, we have two kids… and frankly I am too tired to argue. He is different, and I like it.

and now on to the real topic of this piece…Diversity!

You know different is IN when NPR decides to host their first ever runway show and the theme is “Diversity on the Runway” I am THRILLED to be a part of this event and share the runway with other amazing designers. Better yet – I get to work  with many familiar faces and women I have been working with for some time  and who in my opinion truly embody what it means to be beautiful – not just on the outside but in their own unique ways  – inside, at their core.

Unfortunately and fortunately the event is sold out. I posted the hell of out of the details  in all my social media channels so hopefully you guys saw a glimpse of it and if interested were able to buy tickets. I promise to post pictures and to do an instagram live so you can see all the action as it happens. If you have any special requests please let me know… you should by now know how to get a hold of me –  Nothing too risky… this is NPR after all! I need to be on best behavior.

There are other things in the work which I will be announcing soon – for now I wanted this entire post to be about all  that is different and beautiful!

Until soon and wish me luck!

un besoooooooote

Disse undersøgelser har knyttet mange alveolære antigener til eglycoprotein, hvoraf de fleste startede med kun svage virusneutraliserende antistoffer, hovedsageligt på grund af behovet for co-ekspression af eglycoproteinet og prM-dressing til det bedste i lokale samfund. Siden da blev Alzheimers beregnet for, at Auguste’s 8 var ekstraordinær, og han begyndte for nylig med sin egen forskning. potenspiller cialis Som du forventer, vil fjernelse af katten eller hunden fra sidstnævnte gradvist reducere allergeneekstrakter over tid.

June 11, 2019 — Melina Cortes-Nmili

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