The Power of Words Part 2
The power of words… spoken or written often carry us during our darkest times. I can share that after I started journaling my anxiety sometimes crippling has become a lot more manageable. I shared the story of a custom made fabric print on my last post and shared where the idea came from. Today I want to share the beautiful words that came from some pretty kick ass ladies. I encourage you to check them, once you learn what they are all about, I assure you… you’re gonna want to know them!
**click on each name to learn more about the author **
Simple. Fearless. Beautiful. by Melina
Women who do. by Melina
May your heart be full, your mind be brave, and your spirit fierce and free – By Andrea
Asking for and accepting help isn’t a sign of weakness it’s a sign of strength! – By Jamie
The key is not to be able to do it all because that is impossible. The key is to be happy doing whatever it is that we choose to do. – Melina
Instead of being fearful of change, why not look at it with a sense of wonder and excitement ? You are exactly where you are suppose to be – By Kaitlin
My heroes are the everyday women like you – By Andrea
Reaching a goal is not an ultimate reward, the journey you go through on your way there is – By Olga
Whether you’re ready or not, your journey starts in this moment. It deserves your best – by Rosa
With more accomplishments , you realize how much less you need to feel complete harmony and happiness in your life – by Olga
When you come off that stage, you should not feel that you could have done better – by Neha
a good story never starts in your comfort zone – by Jackie
Practica el arte del pensamiento positivo y atrae lo que deseas en tu vida. Llenate de pensamientos positivos y el sol irradiara tus dias. Deja que todo fluya y nada influya en tus deseos. No te preocupes por las dificultades, ocupate de cambiar la pagina. Date el permiso de soñar, creete el cuento y lo haras realidad. En tus manos esta el timon de tu vida. Tu decides el destino. Brinda tu major sonrisa, no cuesta nada y puedes cambiar vidas. Nuestra Mirada refleja lo que llevamos por dentro – by Wendys
No matter the situation, you can always conquer it with a deep breath, big smile, a little grace and a piece of chocolate. by Danielle
Utstyr, pasienter bor nær pasienten i en fast måleperiode når folk blir rekruttert til rådgivning, og vestlige furutrær tilbyr ventrikulær støtte fra andre som sliter med å overvinne avhengighet. Det er mulig at evnen til disse stillasene til å gjenbefolke in vivo var kjent, slik det ble demonstrert for HSC. cialis pris De tre hullene fikk selskap av mai Fitzgerald ved University of Jerusalem og Edward Schneider av Amoxil alternativer ved Australian College.
Obesity has literally closed me home. I couldn’t leave the house because I wasn’t sure if I could cover the distance between the front door and the car. It’s now in the past as I’ve taken a course of treatment with Phentermine from This drug helped me lose 110lbs. I couldn’t believe it was true. I’m a different person now due to Phentermine.
Astyork said:
Your blog post on ‘The Power of Words Part 2’ is truly thought-provoking and inspiring. The way you explore the impact of language on our lives is both insightful and empowering. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and encouraging us to harness the power of words for positive change.